# Todos for the assignment

#### General
- [ ] Concept refinements 
- [ ] Redraw that project setup diagram

## App Repository
- [x] CI config & script
- [ ] Working Container Registry or other form of application deployment --> infra repo
- [ ] Write helm charts which includes the client and server workloads
  - [ ] update charts to pull image from gitlab registry?
  - [x] client helm chart
  - [ ] server/backend chart with mongodb dependency
    - [x] backend image running
    - [x] mongodb pvc setup working
    - [x] connect backend <-> mongodb
    - [ ] working replicaCount increase
  - [ ] Document test setup in minikube for testing the helm charts?

### Client
- [x] Test pipeline
- [x] Build pipeline
- [x] Dockerfile

### Server
- [x] Test pipeline
- [x] Build pipeline
- [X] Dockerfile

## Infra Repository
- [x] Add repository
- [ ] document setup in README.md
- [ ] CI config & script
- [ ] Setup Kubernetes
  - [ ] Test Env
  - [ ] Production Env
- [ ] Working Deployment Automation
- [ ] Test Scaling
- [ ] FQDN
- [ ] Prometheus Monitoring