
This application represents the *deployable workload* for the
[lecture assignment]( 

The application consists of two parts:

* frontend (`./client`)
* backend (`./server`)

During the build process, the client code is moved into the `./public` directory within the server source code.
Aside from providing an HTTP API, the backend also functions as a static file server for the client. As a result,
backend and frontend are both bundled into a single artifact (see `make build` as an example).

If you want to build each part separately:

cd ./client
npm install
npm run build

cd ./../server
npm install --prod

cd ./../
cp ./client/public ./server/public

The following technologies have been utilized (aka. MERN-stack):

* React (rendering engine of the web-based graphical user interface)
* Express (web-server framework)
* Node (Javascript runtime in the backend)
* MongoDB (persistence layer)

Other, most noticeable dependencies are:

* [Jest]( as the test framework for both parts
* [Webpack]( to bundle the frontend
* [Babel]( to transpile and therewith support latest Ecmascript versions
* [ESLint]( to ensure code quality (linting); is invoked as part of the webpack build chain 
* [Mongoose]( as the database driver

##### Full disclosure

This application was forked from [Aamir Pinger]('s [ToDo app][]