diff --git a/RayTracer/sampling/Scene.cpp b/RayTracer/sampling/Scene.cpp
index 792c57f48ffdb5b6abfad7ccdd18cf281816aa18..02a7b34b602f590f830d6618c7834aa92523fa20 100644
--- a/RayTracer/sampling/Scene.cpp
+++ b/RayTracer/sampling/Scene.cpp
@@ -70,23 +70,26 @@ util::Vec3 Scene::directLighting(const cam::Hit& h, cam::Ray r) const {
 			    cam::Ray(sample_point.point(), h.point() - sample_point.point(),
 			             cam::epsilon, 1 - cam::epsilon, false);
 			// When the surface normal and the shadowray dont point in the same
-			// hemisphere, the ray hits the surface, so we can break
-			if (util::dot(shadow_ray.d, sample_point.normal()) <= 0) break;
+			// hemisphere, the ray hits the surface, so we can continue
+			if (util::dot(shadow_ray.d, sample_point.normal()) <= 0) continue;
 			auto shadow_hit = group.intersect(shadow_ray);
-			// If the shadowray his something we can break
-			if (shadow_hit) break;
+			// If the shadowray his something we can continue
+			if (shadow_hit) continue;
 			auto light_pdf = light->lightPdf(sample_point, shadow_ray.d);
 			// This happens when the shaodow ray is beyond the surfaces normal.
-			// This means, that the shadow ray hits the surface and we can break
-			if (light_pdf <= 0) break;
+			// This means, that the shadow ray hits the surface and we can
+			// continue
+			if (light_pdf <= 0) continue;
 			auto brdf = h.calculateLightMultiplier(shadow_ray.d.normalize(),
 			                                       -r.d, h.normal());
 			auto L = light->lightEmission(sample_point);
-			// Dot product could be negative, in that case break
+			// Dot product could be negative, in that case continue
 			auto cosine_term = std::max<float>(
 			    util::dot(-shadow_ray.d.normalize(), h.normal()), 0);
-			if (cosine_term <= 0) break;
+			if (cosine_term <= 0) {
+				continue;
+			}
 			auto scatterFunction = (brdf * L * cosine_term) / light_pdf;
 			// Add the values from this light to the others