const auth = require('../middlewares/auth'); const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); const { model: Users } = require('../models/Users'); describe('Testing the authorization middleware', () => { let mockRequest; let mockResponse; let nextFunction = jest.fn(); const token = 'mytoken'; beforeEach(() => { mockRequest = { cookies: { 'todo-jt': token, } }; mockResponse = { redirect: jest.fn(), status: jest.fn(() => { return { send: jest.fn() } }) }; }); test('should redirect, if the value of the todo-jt cookie is an empty string', async () => { mockRequest.cookies['todo-jt'] = ''; auth(mockRequest, mockResponse, nextFunction); expect(mockResponse.redirect).toHaveBeenCalledWith(401, '/login'); }); test('should save the found user and token in the request', async () => { const mockUser = { username: 'testname', password: 'testpw' }; jest.spyOn(jwt, 'verify').mockReturnValue(token); jest.spyOn(Users, 'findOne').mockResolvedValue(mockUser); await auth(mockRequest, mockResponse, nextFunction); expect(mockRequest.token).toEqual(token) expect(mockRequest.user).toEqual(mockUser); }); test('should sent a 401 status code, if the user could not be found', async () => { jest.spyOn(jwt, 'verify').mockReturnValue(token); jest.spyOn(Users, 'findOne').mockResolvedValue(undefined); await auth(mockRequest, mockResponse, nextFunction); expect(mockRequest.user).toBeUndefined; expect(mockResponse.status).toHaveBeenCalledWith(401); }); });