Lecture: DevOps - application ============================= This repository contains the [application](./app/README.md) that should be used as *deployable workload* in the [exercise](https://github.com/lucendio/lecture-devops-material/blob/master/exercise.md) implementation. ### Getting started For more information regarding the app, please have a look into its [README](./app/README.md). The `Makefile` is the main entry point for this repository. It's meant to be used for documentation purposes and local development/invocation only. The following commands are available: #### `make install-stack` * install technology stack (nodejs, npm, mongodb) locally within the project * in order for the application-related targets to pick up these binaries, the `PATH` variable is adjusted and exported for the corresponding target #### `make install-deps` * install npm dependencies for server and client #### `make build` * start a local mongo database #### `make run-db` * start a local mongo database #### `make run-local` * start server with development configuration * file watcher enabled #### `make test-local` * run client tests #### `make test` * run client tests in [CI mode](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/cli.html#--ci) (exits regardless of the test outcome; closed tty) * run server tests in [CI mode](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/cli.html#--ci) (exits regardless of the test outcome; closed tty) ### Notes * the `Makefile` shows how to interact with the code base, it is not recommended to invoke make targets from the CI/CD, but rather use automation-specific interfaces (e.g. `Jenkinsfile`, `.travis.yml`, etc.).