diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index fdd140da18359edb670a5dd2c516f1fb3b990266..ace184025ae938edf382662aa66c38361125b6af 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ image: node:20
 stages:          # List of stages for jobs, and their order of execution
   - build
   - test
-#  - deploy
+  - deploy
 build-job:       # This job runs in the build stage, which runs first.
   stage: build
@@ -45,16 +45,17 @@ lint-test-job:   # This job also runs in the test stage.
     - sleep 1
     - echo "No lint issues found."
-#deploy-job:      # This job runs in the deploy stage.
-#  stage: deploy  # It only runs when *both* jobs in the test stage complete successfully.
-#  environment: production
-#  only:
-#    - main
-#  script:
-#    - echo "Deploying application..."
-#    - npm install --foreground-scripts # without this= error
-#    - npm install --global vercel
-#    - vercel pull --yes --environment=production --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
-#    - vercel build --prod --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
-#    - vercel deploy --prebuilt --prod --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
-#    - echo "Application successfully deployed."
+deploy-job:      # This job runs in the deploy stage.
+  stage: deploy  # It only runs when *both* jobs in the test stage complete successfully.
+  environment: production
+  only:
+    - main
+  script:
+    - echo "Deploying application..."
+    - npm install --foreground-scripts # without this= error
+    - npm install --global vercel
+    - npx prisma migrate deploy
+    - vercel pull --yes --environment=production --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
+    - vercel build --prod --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
+    - vercel deploy --prebuilt --prod --token=$VERCEL_TOKEN
+    - echo "Application successfully deployed."