diff --git a/app/(content)/(gaming)/games/[gameid]/page.tsx b/app/(content)/(gaming)/games/[gameid]/page.tsx
index 9decb17582e3cff2bd46fda773cd1937e10926b7..b3f19242f215ad24b24d85c8f29fdc6604a6e0df 100644
--- a/app/(content)/(gaming)/games/[gameid]/page.tsx
+++ b/app/(content)/(gaming)/games/[gameid]/page.tsx
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-import AddGameToList from "@/components/addGameToList";
+import AddGameDropdown from "@/components/add-game-dropdown";
+import AddGameToFinishedList from "@/components/add-game-to-finished-list";
+import AddGameToPlanList from "@/components/add-game-to-plan-list";
+import AddGameToPlayingList from "@/components/add-game-to-playing-list";
+import AddGameToFavList from "@/components/addGameToFavList";
 import { AspectRatio } from "@/components/ui/aspect-ratio";
 import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
 import { Card } from "@/components/ui/card";
@@ -52,7 +56,11 @@ export default async function GameDetail({ params }: { params: { gameid: string
                                 className="object-cover rounded-lg" />
+                        <div className="flex justify-start p-6">
+                            <AddGameDropdown fullUser={fullUser!} gameid={params.gameid} />
+                        </div>
                     <div className="ml-6 md:ml-12 space-y-3">
                         <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold">{data[0].name}</h1>
                         <h1>released on{' '}
@@ -62,6 +70,7 @@ export default async function GameDetail({ params }: { params: { gameid: string
                         <h1 className="pt-3">{data[0].summary}</h1>
                         <div className="pt-6">
                             <h1 className="mb-2">Genres</h1>
                             <div className="flex flex-wrap gap-2">
                                 {data[0].genres.map((genre, i) => {
@@ -82,7 +91,7 @@ export default async function GameDetail({ params }: { params: { gameid: string
                 <div className="px-6 md:px-12">
                     <div className="border-b border-gray-400 dark:border-gray-200" />
                     <div className="p-6 w-full flex justify-center">
-                        {user && <AddGameToList userGameList={fullUser?.favGameList!} gameId={params.gameid} />}
+                        {user && <AddGameToFavList userGameList={fullUser?.favGameList!} gameId={params.gameid} />}
                     {/* comments */}
diff --git a/app/(content)/(user)/[userid]/page.tsx b/app/(content)/(user)/[userid]/page.tsx
index 6b88b4ca3d8ce7b6318acae30604211a920a2c9a..2698ce45c3acb879ecf39e1f936b93d2bfa39c1a 100644
--- a/app/(content)/(user)/[userid]/page.tsx
+++ b/app/(content)/(user)/[userid]/page.tsx
@@ -21,66 +21,115 @@ export default async function User({ params }: { params: { userid: string } }) {
   let favoritegames = undefined
+  let playingGames = undefined
+  let finishedGames = undefined
+  let planningGames = undefined
   if (fullUser?.favGameList?.length !== 0) {
     favoritegames = await getFavoriteGames(fullUser?.favGameList!)
+  if (fullUser?.favGameList?.length !== 0) {
+    playingGames = await getFavoriteGames(fullUser?.playingGameList!)
+  }
+  if (fullUser?.favGameList?.length !== 0) {
+    finishedGames = await getFavoriteGames(fullUser?.finishedGameList!)
+  }
+  if (fullUser?.favGameList?.length !== 0) {
+    planningGames = await getFavoriteGames(fullUser?.planningGameList!)
+  }
   return (
-    <div className="main-content h-full">
-      <Card className="w-full h-full overflow-hidden">
-        <div className="h-64 overflow-hidden">
-          <AspectRatio ratio={889 / 500} className="bg-slate-600  dark:bg-slate-400">
-            {/* profile banner */}
-            {/* <Image
+    <>
+      <div className="main-content h-full">
+        <Card className="w-full h-full overflow-hidden">
+          <div className="h-64 overflow-hidden">
+            <AspectRatio ratio={889 / 500} className="bg-slate-600  dark:bg-slate-400">
+              {/* profile banner */}
+              {/* <Image
               src={ }
               alt={ }
               className="object-center" /> */}
-          </AspectRatio>
-        </div>
-        <div className="p-6 md:p-12 ss:flex">
-          <UserAvatar
-            user={{ username: user.username, image: user.image || null }}
-            className="h-52 w-52 -mt-36"
-          />
-          <div className="ml-6 md:ml-12 space-y-3">
-            <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold">{user.name}</h1>
-            <h1 className="text-md text-sky-500">@{user.username}</h1>
-            {/* <h1 className="pt-3">{user.bio}</h1> */}
+            </AspectRatio>
+          <div className="p-6 md:p-12 ss:flex">
+            <UserAvatar
+              user={{ username: user.username, image: user.image || null }}
+              className="h-52 w-52 -mt-36"
+            />
+            <div className="ml-6 md:ml-12 space-y-3">
+              <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold">{user.name}</h1>
+              <h1 className="text-md text-sky-500">@{user.username}</h1>
+              {/* <h1 className="pt-3">{user.bio}</h1> */}
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <div className="px-6 md:px-12">
+            {/* <div className="border-b border-gray-400 dark:border-gray-200" /> */}
+            {/* gweets */}
+          </div>
+        </Card >
+        <div className="side-content">
+          <Card className="p-6 grid items-start gap-2 bg-secondary">
+            <h1>Media</h1>
+            <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-4">
+              {Array.from({ length: 2 }, (_, i) => i + 1).map((i) => {
+                return (
+                  <Skeleton key={i} className="aspect-[264/374] bg-gray-300" />
+                )
+              })}
+            </div>
+          </Card>
-        <div className="px-6 md:px-12">
-          {/* <div className="border-b border-gray-400 dark:border-gray-200" /> */}
-          {/* gweets */}
-        </div>
-      </Card >
-      <div className="side-content">
-        <Card className="p-6 grid items-start gap-2 bg-secondary">
-          <h1>Media</h1>
-          <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-4">
-            {Array.from({ length: 2 }, (_, i) => i + 1).map((i) => {
-              return (
-                <Skeleton key={i} className="aspect-[264/374] bg-gray-300" />
-              )
-            })}
+      </div >
+      <div className="main-content">
+        <Card className="w-full h-full overflow-hidden p-6 md:p-12" >
+          <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold pb-3">Your Favorite Games</h1>
+          <div className="grid grid-cols-1 ss:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-4 2xl:grid-cols-5 gap-4 lg:gap-8 items-center">
+            {favoritegames ? favoritegames.map((game: IGame) => (
+              <GameItem id={game.id} name={game.name} cover={game.cover} key={game.id} />
+            ))
+              :
+              <p>You have no favorites currently</p>}
-      </div>
-      <Card className="w-full h-full overflow-hidden p-6 md:p-12" >
-        <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold pb-3">Your Favorite Games</h1>
-        <div className="grid grid-cols-1 ss:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-4 2xl:grid-cols-5 gap-4 lg:gap-8 items-center">
-          {favoritegames ? favoritegames.map((game: IGame) => (
-            <GameItem id={game.id} name={game.name} cover={game.cover} key={game.id} />
-          ))
-            :
-            <p>You have no favorites currently</p>}
-        </div>
-      </Card>
-    </div >
+        <Card className="w-full h-full overflow-hidden p-6 md:p-12" >
+          <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold pb-3">Currently Playing</h1>
+          <div className="grid grid-cols-1 ss:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-4 2xl:grid-cols-5 gap-4 lg:gap-8 items-center">
+            {playingGames ? playingGames.map((game: IGame) => (
+              <GameItem id={game.id} name={game.name} cover={game.cover} key={game.id} />
+            ))
+              :
+              <p>You are currently not playing any games</p>}
+          </div>
+        </Card>
+        <Card className="w-full h-full overflow-hidden p-6 md:p-12" >
+          <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold pb-3">Planning on Playing</h1>
+          <div className="grid grid-cols-1 ss:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-4 2xl:grid-cols-5 gap-4 lg:gap-8 items-center">
+            {planningGames ? planningGames.map((game: IGame) => (
+              <GameItem id={game.id} name={game.name} cover={game.cover} key={game.id} />
+            ))
+              :
+              <p>You are currently not planning on playing any games</p>}
+          </div>
+        </Card>
+        <Card className="w-full h-full overflow-hidden p-6 md:p-12" >
+          <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold pb-3">Finished Games</h1>
+          <div className="grid grid-cols-1 ss:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 xl:grid-cols-4 2xl:grid-cols-5 gap-4 lg:gap-8 items-center">
+            {finishedGames ? finishedGames.map((game: IGame) => (
+              <GameItem id={game.id} name={game.name} cover={game.cover} key={game.id} />
+            ))
+              :
+              <p>You have no Games in your finished-Games-List </p>}
+          </div>
+        </Card>
+      </div>
+    </>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/api/gamelists/route.ts b/app/api/gamelists/route.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa9640edae83082c5d78b918a304dbb37eae900d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/api/gamelists/route.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import { db } from "@/lib/db";
+import { getCurrentUser } from "@/lib/session";
+import { User } from "@prisma/client";
+import { revalidatePath } from "next/cache";
+import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from "next/server";
+export async function PUT(req: NextRequest) {
+    const sessionUser = await getCurrentUser();
+    const data: User = await req.json()
+    console.log("userid", sessionUser!.id, "formdataid", data.id)
+    if (!sessionUser || sessionUser.id != data.id) {
+        return NextResponse.json({ status: 401, message: 'Unauthorized' });
+    }
+    console.log("put list")
+    try {
+        const dbUser = await db.user.findFirst({
+            where: {
+                id: sessionUser.id
+            },
+            select: {
+                planningGameList: true,
+                playingGameList: true,
+                finishedGameList: true
+            },
+        });
+        if (dbUser) {
+            if (!data.finishedGameList) data.finishedGameList = dbUser?.finishedGameList
+            if (!data.planningGameList) data.planningGameList = dbUser?.planningGameList
+            if (!data.playingGameList) data.playingGameList = dbUser?.playingGameList
+            await db.user.update({
+                where: {
+                    id: sessionUser.id
+                },
+                data: {
+                    finishedGameList: data.finishedGameList,
+                    planningGameList: data.planningGameList,
+                    playingGameList: data.playingGameList
+                }
+            })
+        }
+    } catch (error) {
+    }
+    const path = req.nextUrl.searchParams.get('path') || '/';
+    revalidatePath(path);
+    return NextResponse.json({ status: 201, message: 'Game Hinzugefügt' })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/page.tsx b/app/page.tsx
index 473b33336e888c8b57607b0ebc04e944d92c4357..783eccea21b13263bb379f7c8e4a036a3efdab44 100644
--- a/app/page.tsx
+++ b/app/page.tsx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export default async function IndexPage() {
       <section className="space-y-6 pb-8 pt-6 md:pb-12 md:pt-10 lg:py-32">
         <div className="container flex max-w-[64rem] flex-col items-center gap-4 text-center">
           <div className="flex items-center">
-            <Link href="/" className={cn("rounded-full p-3 hover:bg-accent")}>
+            <Link href="/home" className={cn("rounded-full p-3 hover:bg-accent")}>
               <GameUnityLogo className="h-8 w-8" />
diff --git a/components/add-game-dropdown.tsx b/components/add-game-dropdown.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e8fb0d44fb746aa0552f26828262011c031c39b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/add-game-dropdown.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+"use client"
+import { useState } from "react";
+import { Card } from "./ui/card";
+import GameItem from "./game-item";
+import { IGame } from "@/types/igdb-types";
+import { User } from "@prisma/client";
+import AddGameToPlanList from "./add-game-to-plan-list";
+import AddGameToPlayingList from "./add-game-to-playing-list";
+import AddGameToFinishedList from "./add-game-to-finished-list";
+import { Select, SelectContent, SelectGroup, SelectItem, SelectLabel, SelectTrigger, SelectValue } from "./ui/select";
+export default function AddGameDropdown(props: { gameid: string, fullUser: User }) {
+    return (
+        <>
+            <Select>
+                <SelectTrigger className={`bg-background border-full w-32 h-8}`}>
+                    <SelectValue placeholder="Status" />
+                </SelectTrigger>
+                <SelectContent>
+                    <SelectGroup>
+                        <SelectLabel>Status</SelectLabel>
+                        <AddGameToPlanList user={props.fullUser!} gameId={props.gameid} />
+                        <AddGameToFinishedList user={props.fullUser!} gameId={props.gameid} />
+                        <AddGameToPlayingList user={props.fullUser!} gameId={props.gameid} />
+                    </SelectGroup>
+                </SelectContent>
+            </Select>
+        </>
+    )
diff --git a/components/add-game-to-finished-list.tsx b/components/add-game-to-finished-list.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40b4e1dbf77977388d0a43295237314f5b921f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/add-game-to-finished-list.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+"use client"
+import { User } from "@prisma/client";
+import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";
+import { startTransition } from "react";
+import { Button } from "./ui/button";
+export default function AddGameToFinishedList(props: { gameId: string, user: User }) {
+    const router = useRouter();
+    const gameId = parseFloat(props.gameId);
+    const user = props.user;
+    let formData: {
+        id: String;
+        gameId: Number;
+        add: boolean;
+        planningGameList: number[] | undefined;
+        playingGameList: number[] | undefined;
+        finishedGameList: number[] | undefined;
+    } = {
+        id: "",
+        gameId: -1,
+        add: true,
+        planningGameList: undefined,
+        playingGameList: undefined,
+        finishedGameList: undefined
+    };
+    async function removeGame(e: any) {
+        e.preventDefault()
+        formData.id = user.id;
+        formData.finishedGameList = props.user.finishedGameList.filter((id) => id !== gameId)
+        console.log(formData.finishedGameList)
+        const response = await fetch('/api/gamelists', {
+            method: 'PUT',
+            body: JSON.stringify(formData)
+        })
+        startTransition(() => {
+            // Refresh the current route and fetch new data from the server without
+            // losing client-side browser or React state.
+            router.refresh();
+        });
+        return await response.json()
+    }
+    async function addGame(e: any) {
+        e.preventDefault()
+        formData.id = user.id;
+        props.user.finishedGameList.push(gameId)
+        formData.finishedGameList = props.user.finishedGameList;
+        const response = await fetch('/api/gamelists', {
+            method: 'PUT',
+            body: JSON.stringify(formData)
+        })
+        startTransition(() => {
+            // Refresh the current route and fetch new data from the server without
+            // losing client-side browser or React state.
+            router.refresh();
+        });
+        return await response.json()
+    }
+    let button = <div></div>;
+    try {
+        if (!props.user.finishedGameList.includes(parseFloat(props.gameId))) {
+            button = (
+                <form onSubmit={addGame}>
+                    <Button type="submit" size="lg">
+                        Add Game To finished-playing-List
+                    </Button>
+                </form>
+            )
+        } else {
+            button = (
+                <form onSubmit={removeGame}>
+                    <Button type="submit" size="lg" variant={"secondary"}>
+                        Remove Game From finished-playing-List
+                    </Button>
+                </form>
+            )
+        }
+    } catch (error) {
+        // throw new Error("Failed to check finished-playing-List");
+    }
+    return (
+        button
+    )
diff --git a/components/add-game-to-plan-list.tsx b/components/add-game-to-plan-list.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b2c1e45426adea91cc01f81df1f43307588ee6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/add-game-to-plan-list.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+"use client"
+import { User } from "@prisma/client";
+import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";
+import { startTransition } from "react";
+import { Button } from "./ui/button";
+export default function AddGameToPlanList(props: { gameId: string, user: User }) {
+    const router = useRouter();
+    const gameId = parseFloat(props.gameId);
+    const user = props.user;
+    let formData: {
+        id: String;
+        gameId: Number;
+        add: boolean;
+        planningGameList: number[] | undefined;
+        playingGameList: number[] | undefined;
+        finishedGameList: number[] | undefined;
+    } = {
+        id: "",
+        gameId: -1,
+        add: true,
+        planningGameList: undefined,
+        playingGameList: undefined,
+        finishedGameList: undefined
+    };
+    async function removeGame(e: any) {
+        e.preventDefault()
+        formData.id = user.id;
+        formData.planningGameList = props.user.planningGameList.filter((id) => id !== gameId)
+        console.log(formData.planningGameList)
+        const response = await fetch('/api/gamelists', {
+            method: 'PUT',
+            body: JSON.stringify(formData)
+        })
+        startTransition(() => {
+            // Refresh the current route and fetch new data from the server without
+            // losing client-side browser or React state.
+            router.refresh();
+        });
+        return await response.json()
+    }
+    async function addGame(e: any) {
+        e.preventDefault()
+        formData.id = user.id;
+        props.user.planningGameList.push(gameId)
+        formData.planningGameList = props.user.planningGameList;
+        const response = await fetch('/api/gamelists', {
+            method: 'PUT',
+            body: JSON.stringify(formData)
+        })
+        startTransition(() => {
+            // Refresh the current route and fetch new data from the server without
+            // losing client-side browser or React state.
+            router.refresh();
+        });
+        return await response.json()
+    }
+    let button = <div></div>;
+    try {
+        if (!props.user.planningGameList.includes(parseFloat(props.gameId))) {
+            button = (
+                <form onSubmit={addGame}>
+                    <Button type="submit" size="lg">
+                        Add Game To Planning-to-play-List
+                    </Button>
+                </form>
+            )
+        } else {
+            button = (
+                <form onSubmit={removeGame}>
+                    <Button type="submit" size="lg" variant={"secondary"}>
+                        Remove Game From Planning-to-play-List
+                    </Button>
+                </form>
+            )
+        }
+    } catch (error) {
+        // throw new Error("Failed to check Planning-to-play-List");
+    }
+    return (
+        button
+    )
diff --git a/components/add-game-to-playing-list.tsx b/components/add-game-to-playing-list.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..befa763ba9d55009cc9204bfc64e4588d92c42b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/add-game-to-playing-list.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+"use client"
+import { User } from "@prisma/client";
+import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";
+import { startTransition } from "react";
+import { Button } from "./ui/button";
+export default function AddGameToPlayingList(props: { gameId: string, user: User }) {
+    const router = useRouter();
+    const gameId = parseFloat(props.gameId);
+    const user = props.user;
+    let formData: {
+        id: String;
+        gameId: Number;
+        add: boolean;
+        planningGameList: number[] | undefined;
+        playingGameList: number[] | undefined;
+        finishedGameList: number[] | undefined;
+    } = {
+        id: "",
+        gameId: -1,
+        add: true,
+        planningGameList: undefined,
+        playingGameList: undefined,
+        finishedGameList: undefined
+    };
+    async function removeGame(e: any) {
+        e.preventDefault()
+        formData.id = user.id;
+        formData.playingGameList = props.user.playingGameList.filter((id) => id !== gameId)
+        console.log(formData.playingGameList)
+        const response = await fetch('/api/gamelists', {
+            method: 'PUT',
+            body: JSON.stringify(formData)
+        })
+        startTransition(() => {
+            // Refresh the current route and fetch new data from the server without
+            // losing client-side browser or React state.
+            router.refresh();
+        });
+        return await response.json()
+    }
+    async function addGame(e: any) {
+        e.preventDefault()
+        formData.id = user.id;
+        props.user.playingGameList.push(gameId)
+        formData.playingGameList = props.user.playingGameList;
+        const response = await fetch('/api/gamelists', {
+            method: 'PUT',
+            body: JSON.stringify(formData)
+        })
+        console.log("add game")
+        startTransition(() => {
+            // Refresh the current route and fetch new data from the server without
+            // losing client-side browser or React state.
+            router.refresh();
+        });
+        return await response.json()
+    }
+    let button = <div></div>;
+    try {
+        if (!props.user.playingGameList.includes(parseFloat(props.gameId))) {
+            button = (
+                <form onSubmit={addGame}>
+                    <Button type="submit" size="lg">
+                        Add Game To currently-playing-List
+                    </Button>
+                </form>
+            )
+        } else {
+            button = (
+                <form onSubmit={removeGame}>
+                    <Button type="submit" size="lg" variant={"secondary"}>
+                        Remove Game From currently-playing-List
+                    </Button>
+                </form>
+            )
+        }
+    } catch (error) {
+        // throw new Error("Failed to check playing-to-play-List");
+    }
+    return (
+        button
+    )
diff --git a/components/addGameToList.tsx b/components/addGameToFavList.tsx
similarity index 88%
rename from components/addGameToList.tsx
rename to components/addGameToFavList.tsx
index e6fa3aa672f893ad0936fd07c009e781172b0baa..9500d4d422a4daeb2cc578db608cad4b5411126c 100644
--- a/components/addGameToList.tsx
+++ b/components/addGameToFavList.tsx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";
 import { startTransition } from "react";
 import { Button } from "./ui/button";
-export default function AddGameToList(props: { userGameList: Number[], gameId: string }) {
+export default function AddGameToFavList(props: { userGameList: Number[], gameId: string }) {
     const router = useRouter();
     const gameId = props.gameId
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export default function AddGameToList(props: { userGameList: Number[], gameId: s
             button = (
                 <form onSubmit={addGame}>
                     <Button type="submit" size="lg">
-                        Add Game To List
+                        Add Game To Favorite List
@@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ export default function AddGameToList(props: { userGameList: Number[], gameId: s
             button = (
                 <form onSubmit={removeGame}>
                     <Button type="submit" size="lg" variant={"secondary"}>
-                        Remove Game From List
+                        Remove Game From Favorite List
     } catch (error) {
-        throw new Error("Failed to fetch comments");
+        // throw new Error("Failed to check list");
     return (
diff --git a/prisma/schema.prisma b/prisma/schema.prisma
index cddebeaacf457174b34b98a06a6f6ececdd10269..341c014062452d6c924dd249dab700a2c0d64a16 100644
--- a/prisma/schema.prisma
+++ b/prisma/schema.prisma
@@ -62,7 +62,10 @@ model User {
   createdAt     DateTime  @default(now()) @map("created_at")
   updatedAt     DateTime  @default(now()) @map("updated_at")
-  favGameList Int[]
+  favGameList      Int[]
+  planningGameList Int[]
+  playingGameList  Int[]
+  finishedGameList Int[]
   accounts Account?
   sessions Session?