class Expressions: """" Fill in one-line expressions (no own functions) to initialize attributes self.b .. self.k with specified values. Use Python built-in functions, list expressions and list comprehension, but NOT own functions. Complete tasks one after another. Once you are done with one task, uncomment test cases in Remove comments for # Test_case_b = Test_case # Test_case_c = Test_case # Test_case_d = Test_case # ... Run tests in IDE and in a terminal: python python -m unittest """ default_numbers=[4, 12, 3, 8, 17, 12, 1, 8, 7] def __init__(self, _numbers=default_numbers): """ Constructor to initialize member variables. """ self.numbers = _numbers # a) initialize with number of numbers: 9 self.a = len(self.numbers) # <-- given solution, insert one-line expressions below # b) initialize with first three numbers: [4, 12, 3] self.b = [] # <-- write expression here # c) initialize with last three numbers: [1, 8, 7] self.c = [] # d) initialize with last three numbers reverse: [7, 8, 1] self.d = [] # e) initialize with odd numbers: [3, 17, 1, 7] self.e = [] # f) initialize with number of odd numbers: 4 self.f = 0 # g) initialize with sum_ of odd numbers: 28 self.g = 0 # h) duplicate numbers removed: [4, 12, 3, 8, 17, 1, 7] self.h = [] # i) number of duplicate numbers: 2 self.i = 0 # j) ascending list of squared numbers with no duplicates: [1, 9, 16, 49, 64, 144, 289] self.j = [] # k) initialize with "ODD_LIST", "EVEN_LIST" or "EMPTY_LIST" depending on numbers length self.k = "NEITHER" # attempt to load solution module (ignore) try: _from, _import = 'expressions_sol', 'Stream' mod = __import__(_from, fromlist=[_import]) mod.set_solution(self) # invoke set_solution() to replace values with solutions # except ImportError: pass def print_results(self): print(f'\nnumbers: {self.numbers}\n#') fmt = { # key: (value, output string) 'a': (self.a, 'number of numbers'), 'b': (self.b, 'first three numbers'), 'c': (self.c, 'last three numbers'), 'd': (self.d, 'last three numbers reverse'), 'e': (self.e, 'odd numbers'), 'f': (self.f, 'number of odd numbers'), 'g': (self.g, 'sum of odd numbers'), 'h': (self.h, 'duplicate numbers removed'), 'i': (self.i, 'number of duplicate numbers'), 'j': (self.j, 'ascending, de-dup (n^2) numbers'), 'k': (self.k, 'length'), } # format output, e.g.: "b) first three numbers: [1, 4, 6]" for k in sorted(fmt.keys()): print(f'{k}) {fmt[k][1]}: {fmt[k][0]}') if __name__ == '__main__': ''' Driver code that runs when this file is directly executed. ''' # n1 = Expressions() # use default list # # 2nd object with different list n2 = Expressions([1, 4, 6, 67, 6, 8, 23, 8, 34, 49, 67, 6, 8, 23, 37, 67, 6, 34, 19, 67, 6, 8]) # n1.print_results() # n2.print_results() # try also other list