gjahn authored
Using the Param "name" to create an Item and persist turns out to be affected bi Fiber's behaviour of "zero allocation", which means values may be re-used across requests/contexts. This caused wrong or chunked up Item names in the ephemeral state, which only surfaced during unit testing. For more details see https://docs.gofiber.io/#zero-allocation
gjahn authoredUsing the Param "name" to create an Item and persist turns out to be affected bi Fiber's behaviour of "zero allocation", which means values may be re-used across requests/contexts. This caused wrong or chunked up Item names in the ephemeral state, which only surfaced during unit testing. For more details see https://docs.gofiber.io/#zero-allocation
routes.go 6.39 KiB
package routing
import (
f "github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2"
func SetRoutes( router *f.App, config *configuration.Config, store state.Store, healthiness *bool ) error {
indexHtmlTemplate, err := template.New( "index" ).Parse( indexHtml )
if err != nil {
return err
if config.LogLevel == "debug" {
router.All( "*", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
log.Printf( "%s %s mime:%s agent:%s",
c.Get( f.HeaderContentType ),
c.Get( f.HeaderUserAgent ),
return c.Next()
router.Get( "/", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
headers := c.GetReqHeaders()
if ! strings.Contains( headers[ "Accept" ], "html" ) {
c.Set( "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8" )
return c.SendString( "Hello, World!" )
data := indexHtmlData{
Version: config.Version,
Color: "",
buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := indexHtmlTemplate.Execute( buffer, data )
if err != nil {
return err
c.Set( "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8" )
return c.Send( buffer.Bytes() )
router.Get( "/health", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
type response struct {
Status string `json:"status" validate:"oneof=pass fail"`
c.Set( "Content-Type", "application/health+json; charset=utf-8" )
var res *response
if *healthiness == false {
res = &response{
Status: "fail",
c.Status( http.StatusServiceUnavailable )
} else {
res = &response{
Status: "pass",
c.Status( http.StatusOK )
resJson, err := json.Marshal( res )
if err != nil {
return err
return c.SendString( string( resJson ) )
router.Get( "/env", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
c.Type( "txt", "utf-8" )
if config.Environment == "production" {
c.Status( http.StatusForbidden )
return nil
for _, envVar := range os.Environ() {
_, err := c.WriteString( fmt.Sprintln( envVar ) )
if err != nil {
c.Status( http.StatusInternalServerError )
return err
c.Status( http.StatusOK )
return nil
statePathGroup := router.Group( "/state" )
statePathGroup.Get( "/:name", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
existingItem, err := store.Fetch( c.Params( "name" ) )
if err != nil {
c.Status( http.StatusInternalServerError )
return c.Send( nil )
if existingItem == nil {
return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNotFound )
c.Set( "Content-Type", existingItem.MimeType() )
return c.Send( existingItem.Data() )
statePathGroup.Put( "/:name", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
contentType := strings.Clone( c.Get( "Content-Type" ) )
_, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType( contentType )
if err != nil {
c.Status( http.StatusBadRequest )
return c.SendString(
fmt.Sprintf( "Invalid MIME type: %s", contentType ),
name := strings.Clone( c.Params( "name" ) )
existingItem, err := store.Fetch( name )
if err != nil {
c.Status( http.StatusInternalServerError )
return c.Send( nil )
if existingItem != nil {
if bytes.Equal( existingItem.Data(), c.Body() ) &&
existingItem.MimeType() == contentType {
c.Set( "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8" )
c.Status( http.StatusOK )
return c.SendString( "Resource not changed" )
c.Status( http.StatusNoContent )
} else {
c.Status( http.StatusCreated )
newItem := state.NewItem(
if err = store.Add( newItem ); err != nil {
c.Status( http.StatusInternalServerError )
return c.Send( nil )
c.Set( "Content-Location", c.Path() )
return c.Send( nil )
statePathGroup.Delete( "/:name", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
name := strings.Clone( c.Params( "name" ) )
existingItem, err := store.Fetch( name )
if err != nil {
return c.SendStatus( http.StatusInternalServerError )
if existingItem == nil {
return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNotFound )
if err = store.Remove( name ); err != nil {
return c.SendStatus( http.StatusInternalServerError )
return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNoContent )
statePathGroup.Use( "*", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
if method := c.Method(); method == "OPTIONS" {
c.Set( "Allow", "GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" )
return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNoContent )
return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNotFound )
router.Get( "/states", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
states, err := store.Show()
if err != nil {
return c.SendStatus( http.StatusInternalServerError )
const pathPrefix string = "/state"
paths := make ( []string, len( states ) )
for i, state := range states {
paths[ i ] = fmt.Sprintf( "%s/%s", pathPrefix, state )
headers := c.GetReqHeaders()
var response string
if strings.Contains( headers[ "Accept" ], "json" ) {
c.Set( "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8" )
resJson, err := json.Marshal( paths )
if err != nil {
return err
response = string( resJson )
} else {
c.Set( "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8" )
response = strings.Join( paths, "\n" )
c.Status( http.StatusOK )
return c.SendString( response )
router.Use( func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
return c.SendStatus( http.StatusTeapot )
return nil