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  • gjahn's avatar
    Fix flaky routes state test · e231839d
    gjahn authored
    Using the Param "name" to create an Item and persist turns out to be
    affected bi Fiber's behaviour of "zero allocation", which means values
    may be re-used across requests/contexts.
    This caused wrong or chunked up Item names in the ephemeral state, which
    only surfaced during unit testing.
    For more details see
    Fix flaky routes state test
    gjahn authored
    Using the Param "name" to create an Item and persist turns out to be
    affected bi Fiber's behaviour of "zero allocation", which means values
    may be re-used across requests/contexts.
    This caused wrong or chunked up Item names in the ephemeral state, which
    only surfaced during unit testing.
    For more details see
routes.go 6.39 KiB
package routing

import (


    f ""

func SetRoutes( router *f.App, config *configuration.Config, store state.Store, healthiness *bool ) error {

    indexHtmlTemplate, err := template.New( "index" ).Parse( indexHtml )
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if config.LogLevel == "debug" {
        router.All( "*", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
            log.Printf( "%s  %s  mime:%s  agent:%s",
                c.Get( f.HeaderContentType ),
                c.Get( f.HeaderUserAgent ),
            return c.Next()

    router.Get( "/", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
        headers := c.GetReqHeaders()
        if ! strings.Contains( headers[ "Accept" ], "html" ) {
            c.Set( "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8" )
            return c.SendString( "Hello, World!" )

        data := indexHtmlData{
            Version: config.Version,
            Color: "",

        buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
        err := indexHtmlTemplate.Execute( buffer, data )
        if err != nil {
            return err

        c.Set( "Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8" )
        return c.Send( buffer.Bytes() )

    router.Get( "/health", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
        type response struct {
            Status  string  `json:"status"  validate:"oneof=pass fail"`

        c.Set( "Content-Type", "application/health+json; charset=utf-8" )
        var res *response
        if *healthiness == false {
            res = &response{
                Status: "fail",
            c.Status( http.StatusServiceUnavailable )
        } else {
            res = &response{
                Status: "pass",
            c.Status( http.StatusOK )

        resJson, err := json.Marshal( res )
        if err != nil {
            return err
        return c.SendString( string( resJson ) )

    router.Get( "/env", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
        c.Type( "txt", "utf-8" )

        if config.Environment == "production" {
            c.Status( http.StatusForbidden )
            return nil

        for _, envVar := range os.Environ() {
            _, err := c.WriteString( fmt.Sprintln( envVar ) )
            if err != nil {
                c.Status( http.StatusInternalServerError )
                return err
        c.Status( http.StatusOK )

        return nil

    statePathGroup := router.Group( "/state" )

    statePathGroup.Get( "/:name", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
        existingItem, err := store.Fetch( c.Params( "name" ) )
        if err != nil {
            c.Status( http.StatusInternalServerError )
            return c.Send( nil )

        if existingItem == nil {
            return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNotFound )

        c.Set( "Content-Type", existingItem.MimeType() )
        return c.Send( existingItem.Data() )

    statePathGroup.Put( "/:name", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
        contentType := strings.Clone( c.Get( "Content-Type" ) )
        _, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType( contentType )
        if err != nil {
            c.Status( http.StatusBadRequest )
            return c.SendString(
                fmt.Sprintf( "Invalid MIME type: %s", contentType ),

        name := strings.Clone( c.Params( "name" ) )
        existingItem, err := store.Fetch( name )
        if err != nil {
            c.Status( http.StatusInternalServerError )
            return c.Send( nil )

        if existingItem != nil {
            if bytes.Equal( existingItem.Data(), c.Body() ) &&
               existingItem.MimeType() == contentType {
                c.Set( "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8" )
                c.Status( http.StatusOK )
                return c.SendString( "Resource not changed" )
            c.Status( http.StatusNoContent )
        } else {
            c.Status( http.StatusCreated )

        newItem := state.NewItem(

        if err = store.Add( newItem ); err != nil {
            c.Status( http.StatusInternalServerError )
            return c.Send( nil )

        c.Set( "Content-Location", c.Path() )
        return c.Send( nil )

    statePathGroup.Delete( "/:name", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
        name := strings.Clone( c.Params( "name" ) )
        existingItem, err := store.Fetch( name )
        if err != nil {
            return c.SendStatus( http.StatusInternalServerError )

        if existingItem == nil {
            return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNotFound )

        if err = store.Remove( name ); err != nil {
            return c.SendStatus( http.StatusInternalServerError )

        return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNoContent )

    statePathGroup.Use( "*", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
        if method := c.Method(); method == "OPTIONS" {
            c.Set( "Allow", "GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" )
            return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNoContent )

        return c.SendStatus( http.StatusNotFound )

    router.Get( "/states", func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
        states, err := store.Show()
        if err != nil {
            return c.SendStatus( http.StatusInternalServerError )

        const pathPrefix string = "/state"
        paths := make ( []string, len( states ) )
        for i, state := range states {
            paths[ i ] = fmt.Sprintf( "%s/%s", pathPrefix, state )

        headers := c.GetReqHeaders()
        var response string
        if strings.Contains( headers[ "Accept" ], "json" ) {
            c.Set( "Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8" )
            resJson, err := json.Marshal( paths )
            if err != nil {
                return err
            response = string( resJson )
        } else {
            c.Set( "Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8" )
            response = strings.Join( paths, "\n" )

        c.Status( http.StatusOK )
        return c.SendString( response )

    router.Use( func( c *f.Ctx ) error {
        return c.SendStatus( http.StatusTeapot )

    return nil