@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ These branches are protected, meaning that commits targetting them will fail.
Changes to the codebase are realized through the use of other temporary branches and Merge Requests to **staging**. Merge Requests to **main** should
only be opened from **staging** as a source branch.
# Workflow
## Automated jobs
As soon as a new change through a MR is commited to **staging**, the [pipeline](.gitlab-ci.yml) is triggered. It deploys the application to the **staging-todoapp-devops** namespace in a Kubernetes cluster, run on GKE. After that, the application is accessible in its test/pre-production version under the domain:
> staging.todoapp-devops.software
@@ -19,5 +22,5 @@ The web application is then accessible in its production version under:
## Manual jobs
The pipeline job `switch-to-https`should be manually triggered, after the app has been deployed. Due to Google's requirements, this process can only be triggered manually after the Google-managed Load Balancer is set up correctly and is operational.
The pipeline job `switch-to-https`corresponds to an upgrade from HTTP to HTTPS regarding the "client <-> Google's external Load Balancer" connection. Due to Google's requirements, this process should be only manually initialized after the Google-managed Load Balancer is set up correctly and is operational. Therefore, this job is not automatically executed in the pipeline and can be started manually.