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"""Data Acquisition for DWD global monthly Air Temperature 
Author: Peter Morstein

import pandas as pd
from ftplib import FTP
import pickle
import numpy as np
import ExportToWorldShape as exportToWorldShape
import ExportToDatabase as exportToDatabase
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from IPython.display import display
from pip._internal.utils.misc import tabulate

example files:
dwd gauge monthly mean:
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stationURL = ""
dwdFtpServer = ""
dwdFtpUri = "/climate_environment/CDC/observations_global/CLIMAT/monthly/qc/air_temperature_mean/historical/"
countryAnnualTemp = pd.DataFrame([])
stationGPD = None
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# load the all available stations from DWD service
# @return: complete list of available dwd stations
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def loadDWDGauges():
    global stationList
    print("load DWD Gauges")
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    # load station list from dwd
    stationList = pd.read_csv(stationURL, delimiter=";", skiprows=0, usecols=[0,2,3,5], names=["id","lon","lat","country"], header=0, encoding="ISO-8859-1 ")
    stationList = stationList.dropna(how="any", axis=0) 
    stationList['country'] = stationList['country'].str.strip()
    stationList['lon'] = stationList['lon'].str.strip()
    stationList['lat'] = stationList['lat'].str.strip()
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    # rename countries to merge with geopandas world shape file
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    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Korea, Dem. People's Rep.", 'country'] = 'South Korea'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Slovakia (Slovak. Rep.)", 'country'] = 'Slovakia'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Slowenia", 'country'] = 'Slovenia'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Russian Federation", 'country'] = 'Russia'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Bosnia and Herzegowina", 'country'] = 'Bosnia and Herz.'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Slovakia (Slovak. Rep.)", 'country'] = 'Slovakia'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Croatia/Hrvatska", 'country'] = 'Croatia'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Moldova, Rep. Of", 'country'] = 'Moldova'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="United Kingdom of Great Britain and N.-Ireland ", 'country'] = 'United Kingdom'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Czech Republic", 'country'] = 'Czechia'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Somalia", 'country'] = 'Somaliland'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Iran (Islamic Rep. of)", 'country'] = 'Iran'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Mauretania", 'country'] = 'Mauritania'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Central African Republic", 'country'] = 'Central African Rep.'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="South Sudan", 'country'] = 'S. Sudan'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Dem. Republic of the Congo", 'country'] = 'Dem. Rep. Congo'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Mauretania", 'country'] = 'Somalia'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Syrian Arab Rep.", 'country'] = 'Syria'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Australien, SW-Pazifik", 'country'] = 'Australia'
    stationList.loc[stationList['country']=="Western-Sahara",'country'] = "W. Sahara"

# load station file names from DWD an join the filename with the stationList
def loadAndJoinDWDClimateFilenames():
    global stationList
    print("load dwd climate filenames")
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    # load climate files from dwd
    dwdFTP = FTP(dwdFtpServer)
    fileList = pd.DataFrame({'id':[],"file":[]})
    ftpIds = []
    ftpFileNames = []
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    for file_name in dwdFTP.nlst():
        gaugeID = file_name.split("_")[0]
        if gaugeID in stationList["id"].tolist():
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    fileList = pd.DataFrame({'id':ftpIds,"file":ftpFileNames})
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    # filter climate files list by longest timeseries 
    # (because: there are multiple timeseries-files per station with same historical values)
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    longestSeries = pd.DataFrame()
    for index, ftpFiles in fileList.groupby("id", axis=0):
        longestSeries = longestSeries.append(ftpFiles.iloc[-1])
    fileList.drop(fileList.index, inplace=True)
    # concat climate files with station list
    stationList = stationList.set_index("id").join(longestSeries.set_index("id"), on="id")
    stationList = stationList.dropna(axis=0, how="any")
    stationList = stationList[!=""]
    # with open("stationList.pickle","wb") as pf:
    #      pickle.dump(stationList, pf)

# here we have to try some interpolations for missing values
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def fillMissingData(annualData):
    months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez"]
    for y in range(0,len(annualData)):
        # check month for nan values
        for m in range(0,len(months)):
            if np.isnan(annualData.iloc[y].loc[months[m]]):
                prevYear = None
                nextYear = None
                prevMonth = m-1
                nextMonth = m+1
                if y >= 1:
                    prevYear = y-1
                if y < len(annualData)-1:
                    nextYear = y+1
                averageList = []
                if prevYear != None:
                if nextYear != None:
                if prevMonth >= 0:
                if prevMonth < 0 and prevYear != None:
                     prevMonth = len(months)-1
                if nextMonth < len(months):
                if nextMonth >= len(months) and nextYear!=None:
                     nextMonth = 0
                annualData.iat[y,m] = np.round(np.nanmean(averageList),2)

    annualData["mean"] = np.round(annualData.iloc[:,0:11].mean(axis=1,skipna=True),2)
    return annualData

# load Temperatures from DWD gauges
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def loadTemperatureFromDWDGauges():
    global climateCountry
    global stationList
    global annualData
    global worldTemperature
    print("load station temperatures")
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    for index, gaugeCountry in stationList.groupby("country", axis=0):
        print(index,": ",len(," gauges to load")
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        gaugeURLs = "https://"+dwdFtpServer+dwdFtpUri+gaugeCountry.file
        gaugeIds = gaugeCountry.index
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        for gid, gurl in zip(gaugeIds, gaugeURLs):
            annualData = pd.read_csv(gurl, delimiter=";")
            annualData = annualData.set_index("Jahr")
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            annualData["mean"] = annualData.mean(axis=1)
            #annualData = fillMissingData(annualData)
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            for dataIndex, annualMean in annualData.iterrows():
          [gid, dataIndex] = annualMean["mean"]
            i += 1
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            if i % 10 == 0:
                finished = i/len( * 100
                print(np.round(finished), end="% ... ")
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    stationList.columns = stationList.columns.astype(str)
    stationList = stationList.sort_index(axis=1, ascending=False)
def start():
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    global stationList
    print("___ DWD Acquisition start___")
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    stationList = stationList.loc[stationList['country'] == "Germany"]
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    # with open("./pickle/stationList_germany.pickle", "wb") as pickleFile:
    #     pickle.dump(stationList, pickleFile)
        # stationList = pickle.load(pickleFile)
        # stationList = pd.read_pickle('./pickle/stationList_germany.pickle')

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    # export station list to different outputs
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    print("___DWD Acquisition finished___")
if __name__ == '__main__':