@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Our Plan right now is it too solve our Error-Detection with CNNs mainly. The Pro
We also had Problems with our data loader which was very slow and very ineeficent afeter we fixed that testing and training went way faster. Further more we implemted taht we can pasue the training
It works great with the test images from the dataset. we dont know exactly what our feuarte map looks like which makes it difficult for us to determen what exactly triggers the net. Because the reslutts some time seem very random.
For example ther sometimes are some blackj abrs because the aspect ratio of the camera is very wierd. Sometiems those black bars dont hidner the process of recgonicton sometimes tho if we cut them out the detection doenst work or chages fast between 2 states.
For example ther sometimes are some black bars because the aspect ratio of the camera is very wierd. Sometiems those black bars dont hidner the process of recgonicton sometimes tho if we cut them out the detection doenst work or chages fast between 2 states.
We also integrated a function for taking a live camera image which comes from the endoscope camera and also controlling the printer.
@@ -69,4 +69,4 @@ We also integrated a function for taking a live camera image which comes from th
# Octoprint integration
The printer is controlled over a rasberry pie 3b+ with octoprint installed on it https://octoprint.org/. this makes conrtolling the pretty easy. On problem is tho that recording the footage for the neural net. the way we do it that i stream the cmaera image to the octoprint browser control iamge and from there i record it with OBS on my PC. the reason for why we dont record it directly to the rasbery pie ist that the fiel sizes are to big for the small sd card also to interactwith the code and the fottage its eazier to that directly on the pc.
The control of the printer was planned to be done over octoprint too. Octopirnt offers API acces which sounded great for our use case. the intergration was more difficult then expected. Fist attempt was over api second attempt was over xpath. Both didnt seem to work because we didnt have the nessacery certifictas or the api key didnt work. In the end we resorted to using very simple code. Streaming our PC screen and using an hostadress for the video input. Then a clicker jsut hits the button in the octoprint user interface
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The control of the printer was planned to be done over octoprint too. Octopirnt offers API acces which sounded great for our use case. the intergration was more difficult then expected. Fist attempt was over api second attempt was over xpath. Both didnt seem to work because we didnt have the nessacery certifictas or the api key didnt work. In the end we resorted to using very simple code. Streaming our PC screen and using an hostadress for the video input. Then a clicker jsut hits the button in the octoprint user interface