#include <math.h>
#include <cassert>
Scene::Scene(const shapes::Group& group,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<shapes::Light>> lights,
const cam::CamObs& cam, size_t max_depth, size_t light_n)
: group(group),
direct(light_n != 0) {
util::Vec3 Scene::color(float x, float y) const {
cam::Ray r = cam.create(x, y);
return calculateRadiance(r, max_depth);
util::Vec3 Scene::calculateRadiance(const cam::Ray& r, size_t depth) const {
// Recursion limit hit
if (depth == 0) return util::Vec3(0);
std::optional<cam::Hit> h = group.intersect(r);
auto scatter_ray = h->scattered_ray(r);
// If the material does not scatter, return
if (!scatter_ray) {
// if we are at the first depth, we have to count the materials emission
// as we did not account for it with directLightning
if (direct) {
return util::Vec3(0);
} else
return h->emission();
auto brdf = h->calculateLightMultiplier(-scatter_ray->d, -r.d, h->normal());
auto cosine_term = util::dot(h->normal(), scatter_ray->d.normalize());
// This can not happen
if (cosine_term <= 0) {
std::cout << "hm" << std::endl;
auto brdf_pdf = h->material->brdf_pdf(scatter_ray->d, h->normal());
util::Vec3 L_direct;
util::Vec3 L_e;
if (direct) {
L_direct = directLighting(h.value(), r);
L_e = (max_depth == depth) ? h->emission() : util::Vec3(0);
} else {
util::Vec3 Scene::directLighting(const cam::Hit& h, cam::Ray r) const {
util::Vec3 result;
for (auto light : lights) {
util::Vec3 light_part;
for (int i = 0; i < light_n; i++) {
auto sample_point = light->sampleLight(h);
auto shadow_ray =
cam::Ray(sample_point.point(), h.point() - sample_point.point(),
cam::epsilon, 1 - cam::epsilon, false);
// When the surface normal and the shadowray dont point in the same
// hemisphere, the ray hits the surface, so we can continue
// This is part of the light_pdf and with this condition, the light
// pdf should never be able to be < 0
if (util::dot(shadow_ray.d, sample_point.normal()) <= 0) continue;
// Dot product could be negative, in that case continue
auto cosine_term = util::dot(-shadow_ray.d.normalize(), h.normal());
if (cosine_term <= 0) continue;
auto shadow_hit = group.intersect(shadow_ray);
// If the shadowray his something we can continue
if (shadow_hit) continue;
auto light_pdf = light->lightPdf(sample_point, shadow_ray.d);
auto brdf = h.calculateLightMultiplier(shadow_ray.d.normalize(),
-r.d, h.normal());
auto L = light->lightEmission(sample_point);
auto scatterFunction = (brdf * L * cosine_term) / light_pdf;
// Add the values from this light to the others
light_part = light_part + scatterFunction;