- Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/ide/reference/command-prompt-powershell?view=vs-2022)
- Make sure you have a compiler for C++17
Compile and execute:
- Start the VS Developer Command Prompt
- Create a new folder \bin
mkdir bin
- Compile the code
cl.exe /Zi /EHsc /Fe: bin/raytracer.exe RayTracer/.cpp Raytracer/tools/.cpp Raytracer/camera/.cpp Raytracer/material/.cpp Raytracer/material/texture/.cpp Raytracer/sampling/.cpp Raytracer/shape/.cpp Raytracer/testing/.cpp /Fo:bin/ /Fd:bin/vs140.fdb /std:c++17 /MP
- Executable at \bin\raytracer.exe
- chess: For the chessboard scene
- daysky: For the daylight scenes
- indoor: For the indoor scenes
- outdoor: For the outdoor scenes
- master_counting: Implemented the counting of rays