[8] As a User I want to access collections and feeds fast
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Show all activity Show comments only Show history only
- Johannes Grothe changed milestone to %1. Basic Project Setup
changed milestone to %1. Basic Project Setup
- Emircan Duman added Backlog label
added Backlog label
- Emircan Duman changed title from Add Side-Menu to As a User I want to access categories and feeds fast
changed title from Add Side-Menu to As a User I want to access categories and feeds fast
- Emircan Duman changed the description
changed the description
- Emircan Duman assigned to @s75767
assigned to @s75767
- Emircan Duman added Sprint 2 label
added Sprint 2 label
- Emircan Duman added Sprint-Backlog label and removed Backlog label
added Sprint-Backlog label and removed Backlog label
- Johannes Grothe added In Progress label and removed Sprint-Backlog label
added In Progress label and removed Sprint-Backlog label
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Swipe to left/tap outside to close as completed
marked the checklist item Swipe to left/tap outside to close as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Show categories as completed
marked the checklist item Show categories as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Show feeds as completed
marked the checklist item Show feeds as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Show feeds as incomplete
marked the checklist item Show feeds as incomplete
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Show categories as incomplete
marked the checklist item Show categories as incomplete
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Swipe to left/tap outside to close as incomplete
marked the checklist item Swipe to left/tap outside to close as incomplete
- Katharsis changed the description
changed the description
- Katharsis changed title from As a User I want to access categories and feeds fast to As a User I want to access collections and feeds fast
changed title from As a User I want to access categories and feeds fast to As a User I want to access collections and feeds fast
- Katharsis changed the description
changed the description
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Show Item All as completed
marked the checklist item Show Item All as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Show Item Saved as completed
marked the checklist item Show Item Saved as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Expand and collapse feeds and categories to see sub categories/feeds as completed
marked the checklist item Expand and collapse feeds and categories to see sub categories/feeds as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Show feeds as completed
marked the checklist item Show feeds as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Swipe to right/tap button to open as completed
marked the checklist item Swipe to right/tap button to open as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Swipe to left/tap outside to close as completed
marked the checklist item Swipe to left/tap outside to close as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Via side menu as completed
marked the checklist item Via side menu as completed
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Via side menu as incomplete
marked the checklist item Via side menu as incomplete
- Katharsis added Waiting/Stuck label and removed In Progress label
added Waiting/Stuck label and removed In Progress label
- Johannes Grothe changed title from As a User I want to access collections and feeds fast to [8] As a User I want to access collections and feeds fast
changed title from As a User I want to access collections and feeds fast to [8] As a User I want to access collections and feeds fast
- Katharsis marked the checklist item Via side menu as completed
marked the checklist item Via side menu as completed
- Katharsis added In Progress label and removed Waiting/Stuck label
added In Progress label and removed Waiting/Stuck label
- Katharsis added Waiting/Stuck label and removed In Progress label
added Waiting/Stuck label and removed In Progress label
- Katharsis added In Progress label and removed Waiting/Stuck label
added In Progress label and removed Waiting/Stuck label