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  • ansible
  • dev
  • dockerization
  • master default protected
  • monitoring
  • proxy
  • upstream-app
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.020Sep151413121110967Jul6426May14421Apr952131Maradded link to imported grafana-dashboarddev masterdev masterheader color changeMerge branch 'master' into devrefactored directory buildingrefactored directory buildingcorrected typos in READMErefactoring: adding comments and correcting textremoved old project conceptrefactored ansible-playbook; refactored READMEmonitoringmonitoringrefactored grafana config files by replacing ip with placeholder; refactored import script accordingly to replace placeholder with ip of host system; added docker clean up block to ansible-playbook; refactored READMErefactored filesrefactored Jenkinsfile; updated concept and READMEconfigured monitoring: implemented scripts to start container for prometheus and grafana, importing datasource and dashboard for grafana; refactored nginx configWIP: configuration of monitoringMerge branch 'dev' into monitoringescaped symbols in stringproxyproxyescaped symbols in stringescaped symbols in stringescaped symbols in stringreplaced absolute paths with generic ones in Jenkinsfileupdated config for jenkins-job with scm-polling and changed branchrefactored playbook for dependency installation by adding installation and configuration of nginx; configured fqdns for dev-application, prod-application and jenkins; updated READMEcreated playbook for dependency installation; updated README with getting started guideansibleansiblerefactored jenkins-install-playbook by adding command to remove jar-filesrefactored jenkins-install playbook by adding necessary shell commands to automate initial jenkins setup (entering of initial admin password, user creation and plugin installation)refactored package.json by adding missing custom start-script for test environmentrefactored port mapping for container of test environmentrenamed docker-compose file for test environment; refactored Jenkinsfile to match changes made to docker-compose logiccreated separate docker-compose file and test.env file for test environmentcreated env file for prod environment; created separate docker-compose files for each environment; refactored Dockerfile accordingly; added custom npm-start scripts for each environmentWIP: refactoring initial concept regarding changes in projectchanged order of steps in initial jenkins setup; added configuration of jenkins-jobimplemented playbooks for jenkins-installation and necessary configuration afterwards, including import of jenkins-job and host configurationrefactored initial-steps-instructioncreated list of necessary initial steps to setup host environmentWIP: started to configure ansiblereverted chages regarding container namingdockerizationdockerizationremoved container names from docker-compose; refactored commands in pipeline accordingly to changed directory structureadded prometheus and grafana container; configured prometheus to get metrics from jenkinsstarting container in deploy stage; refactored Jenkinsfile