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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Jul15623Jun19May1629Apr2824232120109Merge branch 'aufgabe7' into 'main'mainmaingaston changesMerge branch 'aufgabe7' into 'main'last changeslast bug fixrabi yostorAufgabe 6 Speicher freigegebenadd gitignorelast changes aufgabe5aufgabe 5 fullständigcode::blocks changeschangesMakefile changesmake file created bug fixedAufgabe 3 and makeFile succefully adeed to projectbug fixgetNumber function implimentedget text function implimentedBug fixbug fix and improvesmain implimentedprintLine function implimentedgetMenu function implimentedRest of the functions of the CDs functiomality implimented editCd function implimetedCreateCD functionn implimentedcountCDs and CDData refrennced as extern variables in datastructuresCD struct added to the datastructuresSong struct added to datastructuresTime stuct added to datastructuremenu.c and menu.h files added to project for functionality of the menuscds.c and cds.h created to projectDelay function implimentedModifications in Printlogo function (Bug Fix)PrintLogo function implimentedadding the Logo file to the ProjectAdaptation of the new main file for the new taskMakeFile added to projectMakefile added to project