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Commit 73799ed0 authored by Yusuf Akgül's avatar Yusuf Akgül :hatching_chick:
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changed nav icons to correct ones

parent 901ed372
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import {
......@@ -20,6 +24,7 @@ import {
type Icon as LucideIcon,
} from "lucide-react";
......@@ -53,6 +58,16 @@ export const Icons: IconsType = {
<svg width="114" height="22" viewBox="0 0 114 22" fill="none" xmlns="" {...props}>
<path d="M11.1 6.24C10.78 5.65333 10.34 5.20667 9.78 4.9C9.22 4.59333 8.56667 4.44 7.82 4.44C6.99333 4.44 6.26 4.62667 5.62 5C4.98 5.37333 4.48 5.90667 4.12 6.6C3.76 7.29333 3.58 8.09333 3.58 9C3.58 9.93333 3.76 10.7467 4.12 11.44C4.49333 12.1333 5.00667 12.6667 5.66 13.04C6.31333 13.4133 7.07333 13.6 7.94 13.6C9.00667 13.6 9.88 13.32 10.56 12.76C11.24 12.1867 11.6867 11.3933 11.9 10.38H7.1V8.24H14.66V10.68C14.4733 11.6533 14.0733 12.5533 13.46 13.38C12.8467 14.2067 12.0533 14.8733 11.08 15.38C10.12 15.8733 9.04 16.12 7.84 16.12C6.49333 16.12 5.27333 15.82 4.18 15.22C3.1 14.6067 2.24667 13.76 1.62 12.68C1.00667 11.6 0.7 10.3733 0.7 9C0.7 7.62667 1.00667 6.4 1.62 5.32C2.24667 4.22667 3.1 3.38 4.18 2.78C5.27333 2.16667 6.48667 1.86 7.82 1.86C9.39333 1.86 10.76 2.24667 11.92 3.02C13.08 3.78 13.88 4.85333 14.32 6.24H11.1ZM16.0116 10.42C16.0116 9.3 16.2316 8.30667 16.6716 7.44C17.1249 6.57333 17.7316 5.90667 18.4916 5.44C19.2649 4.97333 20.1249 4.74 21.0716 4.74C21.8982 4.74 22.6182 4.90667 23.2316 5.24C23.8582 5.57333 24.3582 5.99333 24.7316 6.5V4.92H27.5516V16H24.7316V14.38C24.3716 14.9 23.8716 15.3333 23.2316 15.68C22.6049 16.0133 21.8782 16.18 21.0516 16.18C20.1182 16.18 19.2649 15.94 18.4916 15.46C17.7316 14.98 17.1249 14.3067 16.6716 13.44C16.2316 12.56 16.0116 11.5533 16.0116 10.42ZM24.7316 10.46C24.7316 9.78 24.5982 9.2 24.3316 8.72C24.0649 8.22667 23.7049 7.85333 23.2516 7.6C22.7982 7.33333 22.3116 7.2 21.7916 7.2C21.2716 7.2 20.7916 7.32667 20.3516 7.58C19.9116 7.83333 19.5516 8.20667 19.2716 8.7C19.0049 9.18 18.8716 9.75333 18.8716 10.42C18.8716 11.0867 19.0049 11.6733 19.2716 12.18C19.5516 12.6733 19.9116 13.0533 20.3516 13.32C20.8049 13.5867 21.2849 13.72 21.7916 13.72C22.3116 13.72 22.7982 13.5933 23.2516 13.34C23.7049 13.0733 24.0649 12.7 24.3316 12.22C24.5982 11.7267 24.7316 11.14 24.7316 10.46ZM44.0463 4.76C45.4063 4.76 46.4996 5.18 47.3263 6.02C48.1663 6.84667 48.5863 8.00667 48.5863 9.5V16H45.7863V9.88C45.7863 9.01333 45.5663 8.35333 45.1263 7.9C44.6863 7.43333 44.0863 7.2 43.3263 7.2C42.5663 7.2 41.9596 7.43333 41.5063 7.9C41.0663 8.35333 40.8463 9.01333 40.8463 9.88V16H38.0463V9.88C38.0463 9.01333 37.8263 8.35333 37.3863 7.9C36.9463 7.43333 36.3463 7.2 35.5863 7.2C34.8129 7.2 34.1996 7.43333 33.7463 7.9C33.3063 8.35333 33.0863 9.01333 33.0863 9.88V16H30.2863V4.92H33.0863V6.26C33.4463 5.79333 33.9063 5.42667 34.4663 5.16C35.0396 4.89333 35.6663 4.76 36.3463 4.76C37.2129 4.76 37.9863 4.94667 38.6663 5.32C39.3463 5.68 39.8729 6.2 40.2463 6.88C40.6063 6.24 41.1263 5.72667 41.8063 5.34C42.4996 4.95333 43.2463 4.76 44.0463 4.76ZM61.5433 10.22C61.5433 10.62 61.5166 10.98 61.4633 11.3H53.3633C53.4299 12.1 53.7099 12.7267 54.2033 13.18C54.6966 13.6333 55.3033 13.86 56.0233 13.86C57.0633 13.86 57.8033 13.4133 58.2433 12.52H61.2633C60.9433 13.5867 60.3299 14.4667 59.4233 15.16C58.5166 15.84 57.4033 16.18 56.0833 16.18C55.0166 16.18 54.0566 15.9467 53.2033 15.48C52.3633 15 51.7033 14.3267 51.2233 13.46C50.7566 12.5933 50.5233 11.5933 50.5233 10.46C50.5233 9.31333 50.7566 8.30667 51.2233 7.44C51.6899 6.57333 52.3433 5.90667 53.1833 5.44C54.0233 4.97333 54.9899 4.74 56.0833 4.74C57.1366 4.74 58.0766 4.96667 58.9033 5.42C59.7433 5.87333 60.3899 6.52 60.8433 7.36C61.3099 8.18667 61.5433 9.14 61.5433 10.22ZM58.6433 9.42C58.6299 8.7 58.3699 8.12667 57.8633 7.7C57.3566 7.26 56.7366 7.04 56.0033 7.04C55.3099 7.04 54.7233 7.25333 54.2433 7.68C53.7766 8.09333 53.4899 8.67333 53.3833 9.42H58.6433ZM74.047 4.92V16H71.227V14.6C70.867 15.08 70.3937 15.46 69.807 15.74C69.2337 16.0067 68.607 16.14 67.927 16.14C67.0604 16.14 66.2937 15.96 65.627 15.6C64.9604 15.2267 64.4337 14.6867 64.047 13.98C63.6737 13.26 63.487 12.4067 63.487 11.42V4.92H66.287V11.02C66.287 11.9 66.507 12.58 66.947 13.06C67.387 13.5267 67.987 13.76 68.747 13.76C69.5204 13.76 70.127 13.5267 70.567 13.06C71.007 12.58 71.227 11.9 71.227 11.02V4.92H74.047ZM82.9497 4.76C84.2697 4.76 85.3364 5.18 86.1497 6.02C86.963 6.84667 87.3697 8.00667 87.3697 9.5V16H84.5697V9.88C84.5697 9 84.3497 8.32667 83.9097 7.86C83.4697 7.38 82.8697 7.14 82.1097 7.14C81.3364 7.14 80.723 7.38 80.2697 7.86C79.8297 8.32667 79.6097 9 79.6097 9.88V16H76.8097V4.92H79.6097V6.3C79.983 5.82 80.4564 5.44667 81.0297 5.18C81.6164 4.9 82.2564 4.76 82.9497 4.76ZM91.4523 3.6C90.959 3.6 90.5457 3.44667 90.2123 3.14C89.8923 2.82 89.7323 2.42667 89.7323 1.96C89.7323 1.49333 89.8923 1.10667 90.2123 0.799999C90.5457 0.479999 90.959 0.319999 91.4523 0.319999C91.9457 0.319999 92.3523 0.479999 92.6723 0.799999C93.0057 1.10667 93.1723 1.49333 93.1723 1.96C93.1723 2.42667 93.0057 2.82 92.6723 3.14C92.3523 3.44667 91.9457 3.6 91.4523 3.6ZM92.8323 4.92V16H90.0323V4.92H92.8323ZM98.8588 7.22V12.58C98.8588 12.9533 98.9454 13.2267 99.1188 13.4C99.3054 13.56 99.6121 13.64 100.039 13.64H101.339V16H99.5788C97.2188 16 96.0388 14.8533 96.0388 12.56V7.22H94.7188V4.92H96.0388V2.18H98.8588V4.92H101.339V7.22H98.8588ZM113.953 4.92L107.093 21.24H104.113L106.513 15.72L102.073 4.92H105.213L108.073 12.66L110.973 4.92H113.953Z" fill="#FFFFFE" />
home: Home, // Home Nav
gamepad2: Gamepad2, // Games Nav
messagecircle: MessageCircle, // Communities Nav
bellring: BellRing, // Notifications Nav
users: Users, // Followers Nav
user: User, // My Profile Nav
settings: Settings, // Settings Nav
help: HelpCircle, // Help Nav
sun: SunMedium, // Light Mode Toggle Nav
moon: Moon, // Dark Mode Toggle Nav
close: X,
spinner: Loader2,
chevronLeft: ChevronLeft,
......@@ -61,17 +76,12 @@ export const Icons: IconsType = {
post: FileText,
page: File,
media: Image,
settings: Settings,
billing: CreditCard,
ellipsis: MoreVertical,
add: Plus,
warning: AlertTriangle,
user: User,
arrowRight: ArrowRight,
help: HelpCircle,
pizza: Pizza,
sun: SunMedium,
moon: Moon,
laptop: Laptop,
check: Check,
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,32 +5,32 @@ export const dashboardConfig: DashboardConfig = {
title: "Home",
href: "/home",
icon: "post",
icon: "home",
title: "Games",
href: "/games",
icon: "billing",
icon: "gamepad2",
title: "Communities",
href: "/communities",
icon: "settings",
icon: "messagecircle",
title: "Notifications",
href: "/notifications",
icon: "settings",
icon: "bellring",
title: "Followers",
href: "/followers",
icon: "settings",
icon: "users",
title: "My Profile",
href: "",
icon: "settings",
icon: "user",
title: "Settings",
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export const dashboardConfig: DashboardConfig = {
title: "Help",
href: "/help",
icon: "settings",
icon: "help",
\ No newline at end of file
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