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# Assignment B: Explore Python &nbsp; (<span style="color:red">20 Pts</span>)

This assignment demonstrates Python's basic data structures.

### Challenges
1. [Challenge 1:](#1-challenge-1-indexing-fruits) Indexing Fruits
2. [Challenge 2:](#2-challenge-2-packaging-fruits) Packaging Fruits
3. [Challenge 3:](#3-challenge-3-sorting-fruits) Sorting Fruits
4. [Challenge 4:](#4-challenge-4-income-analysis) Income Analysis
5. [Challenge 5:](#5-challenge-5-code-income-analysis) Code Income Analysis
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6. [Challenge 6:](#6-challenge-6-explore-python-built-in-functions)
    Explore Python built-in functions

### 1.) Challenge 1: Indexing Fruits
Explore Python. Review Python's basic
[data structures](

# Python is known for advanced list processing.
>>> fruits = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']
>>> print(fruits)
>>> fruits
['apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']

>>> len(fruits)

>>> print(f"the third fruit is: {fruits[2]}")
the third fruit is: orange

>>> print(f"the second and third fruits are: {fruits[1:3]}")
the second and third fruits are: ['pear', 'orange']

>>> print(f"the last fruit is: {fruits[-1]}")
the last fruit is: banana

>>> print(f"the last two fruits are: {fruits[-2:]}")
the last two fruits are: ['orange', 'banana']
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Perform examples on your laptop. (1 Pt)

### 2.) Challenge 2: Packaging Fruits

Review Python's built-in
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[data structures](
Perform examples and answer questions on a piece of paper.

1. What are data types for `fruits`, `fruitbag` and `fruitbox` called? (1 Pt)
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1. Name three properties that characterize each data type. (1 Pts)

1. Why does output for `fruitbag` differ from input? (1 Pt)

    >>> fruits = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']
    >>> fruitbag = {'apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana'}
    >>> fruitbox = ('apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana')

    >>> print(fruits)
    ['apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']

    >>> print(fruitbox)
    ('apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana')

    >>> print(fruitbag)
    {'orange', 'banana', 'apple', 'pear'}

    >>> print(fruits[1])
    >>> print(fruitbox[1])
    >>> print(fruitbag[1])
    TypeError: object is not subscriptable

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1. How is the structure for Eric called? (1 Pt)

    eric = {"name": "Eric", "salary": 5000, "birthday": "Sep 25 2001"}

    >>> print(eric)
    {'name': 'Eric', 'salary': 5000, 'birthday': 'Sep 25 2001'}
    >>> print(eric["salary"])

### 3.) Challenge 3: Sorting Fruits

1. What is the difference between *sort()* and built-in function *sorted()*,
[link]( (2 Pts)?

    >>> fruits = ['apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']

    >>> f1 = sorted(fruits)
    >>> print(f"{f1},\n{fruits}")
    ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'pear'],
    ['apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']

    >>> f2 = fruits.sort()
    >>> print(f"{f2},\n{fruits}")
    ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'pear']

1. Some people say that Arrays in other languages are
Lists in Python. Other people argue that Tuples are Arrays.
   - a) Which statement is (more) correct? (1 Pt)
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   - b) Name two differences between Arrays and Lists?
        (1 Pt)

1. Draw sketches to visualize Python data structures:
*List*, *Set*, *Tuple*, *Dictionary* and *Array* (from other
languages like C, C++). (1 Pt)

### 4.) Challenge 4: Income Analysis
The US tax Income Revenue Service (IRS) annually 
publishes income statistics by ZIP codes

For example, California ZIP Code
is for Madera county, an agricultural region north of
Fresno in the Central Valley.
Income distribution for the tax year 2020 was:
income bracket:         number of tax returns
                        filed in bracket
[$1 to under $25,000]            1,800
[$25,000 to under $50,000]       1,380
[$50,000 to under $75,000]         980
[$75,000 to under $100,000]        830
[$100,000 to under $200,000]     1,660
[$200,000 or more, up to $10M]     550
Numbers mean that 980 tax returns were filed in the
bracket [$50,000 to under $75,000] taxable income,
which is [50,000 .. 74,999].

A common statistical analysis is to compute:

- the *mean (average) income* per tax filer and the

- the *median income* per tax filer.

Assume $10 million ($10M) as upper limit for *"or more"* in
the highest bracket.

For calculating the *mean income*, use the mean income
within each bracket.

For calculating the *median income*, consider a linear rising
income from the lower bound to the upper bound in each bracket.

Answer questions:

1. What is the difference between *mean (average)* and
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*median* calculations? (1 Pt)
    - Why are both indicators relevant?
1. Calculate manually the *average* income for Madera county.
(1 Pt)
1. Calculate manually the *median* income for Madera county.
(1 Pt)

### 5.) Challenge 5: Code Income Analysis

Write Python code to perform this income analysis.

<b>Use pure Python</b>, no libraries such as *Pandas* or *Numpy* or
library functions for *mean* and *median*.

Think about following steps:

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1. Chose a suitable Python structure to represent tax data for a ZIP code. (1 Pt)
    - Which data is relevant for the analysis?
    - How can data be structured?
    - Use only use Python structures: *list*, *set*, *tuple*, *dictionary*. 

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1. Code data for one ZIP code into your structure
    (no need to read `.xlsx`-files). (1 Pt)

1. Define two functions `mean_income(...)` and `median_income(...)` that take
    data for one ZIP code as input and return respective numbers.

1. Define function `number_of_returns(...)`.

1. Implement functions and demonstrate they return correct values.

1. Demonstrate analysis for other ZIP codes:
    - [94040]( (Mountain View, CA),
    - [94304]( (Palo Alto, CA),
    - [94027]( (Atherton, CA),
    - [50860]( (Redding, IA) and
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    - [10023]( (New York City, NY Upper West side). (1 Pt)
mean_income in Mountain View, CA          is:  1,740,371 - median_income is:  114,820
mean_income in Palo Alto, CA              is:  2,077,038 - median_income is:  153,658
mean_income in Atherton, CA               is:  2,623,881 - median_income is:  354,087
mean_income in Redding, IA                is:     33,333 - median_income is:   31,249
mean_income in New York City, NY U West   is:  1,544,990 - median_income is:  104,774
(4 Pts)
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### 6.) Challenge 6: Explore Python built-in functions
Learn about Python's
[built-in functions](
Test the
  >>> globals()
  {'__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, '__package__': None, '__loader__': <class '_frozen_
  importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__spec__': None, '__annotations__': {}, '__builtins__': <module
  'builtins' (built-in)>, 'fruits': ['apple', 'pear', 'orange', 'banana']}
Test the [*input()*]( function.
  >>> s = input('--> ')
  --> Monty Python's Flying Circus
  >>> s
  "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
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(1 Pt)