@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ In later stages we tried to use green filament becuase of the reflectiv properti
Grenn didn't seem to improve the recognition. We also tried blue which also didnt improve results and also red. No coulour change helped.
# Data Sets
How allready mentioend we are using an Kaggle dataset which has around 25k images which should be enough for this type of work https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/gauravduttakiit/early-detection-of-3d-printing-issues. another dataset which we maybe gonna use is the cambridge one. This one has arround 1.25 mio images in its dataset which are also classifed into more labels then the Kaggel one they have more diffrent describign aspects liek temperaturea nd speed to it. These details make it more suited for the live adjusting paramter programm.
How allready mentioend we are using an Kaggle dataset which has around 25k images which should be enough for this type of work https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/gauravduttakiit/early-detection-of-3d-printing-issues. Another dataset which we maybe gonna use is the cambridge one. This one has arround 1.25 mio images in its dataset which are also classifed into more labels then the Kaggel one they have more diffrent describign aspects liek temperaturea nd speed to it. These details make it more suited for the live adjusting paramter programm.
After further investigation it appeard that the Kaggle dataset is not focused on a general fail like bed addhesion or stringing or jsut awful print starts. It is focused on underextrusion.
@@ -49,12 +49,11 @@ After further investigation it appeard that the Kaggle dataset is not focused on
This is not in particualr a problem but under extrusion is problem or fale typ that doenst occur unless the user did something majorly wrong. Under extrusion only happens wehn paremters liek feeding rate or clogging come into affect but Problems liek bed adhesion are a way more on the day Problem for a User. It is not as easy to recreate the Problem as well. For under extrussion u have to force baly try to trun the extrsuin parmeters down for bed addhesion you just touch the bed and thats enough.
Our next steps were to collect our own data form prints and try some domainshifting. the strategy for that is that we produce 1 fail and 2 good prints of every colour (red,green,blue and pink). This should be enough because we cath evry frame which amounts to a significant amount of data.
Our next steps were to collect our own data form prints and try some domainshifting. The strategy for that is that we produce 1 fail and 2 good prints of every colour (red,green,blue and pink). This should be enough because we catch evry frame which amounts to a significant amount of data.
///usner domain shift details /////
# Code
Our Plan right now is it too solve our Error-Detection with CNNs mainly. The Problem that occurs with the under extrusion dataset is that domain shifitng, alteast how it looks right now, is gonna be required. First test showed that the recorded prints of our printer are not getting recognized. Which could have multiple reason like camera and light problems which we tried to mitigate trough using grayscale adn the guassisan blur. This didnt really seem to help.
We also had Problems with our data loader which was very slow and very ineeficent afeter we fixed that testing and training went way faster. Further more we implemted taht we can pasue the training
@@ -64,6 +63,22 @@ For example ther sometimes are some black bars because the aspect ratio of the c
We also integrated a function for taking a live camera image which comes from the endoscope camera and also controlling the printer.
The Code concept works as follwing:
For the 3D error detection we us CNNs combined with diffrent datasets
We are suing 2+1 diffrent dataset. One is the unchaged datset from kaagle. The second one is the kaggle dataset miex trough domainshifting with our own recorded data. Then we also have one where we used transofrmation to simulate a bad camera image.
We use 2 fiels for testing the datasets
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